Dead Ape Club
Dead Ape Club (DAC), is an innovative and unique project that offers the opportunity to invest in unique and customisable NFTs. Dead Ape Club is creating a Metaverse where users can earn money by playing and actively participating in the ecosystem, offering a unique combination of entertainment and earning opportunities. Dead Ape Club offers the possibility to create unique and customisable NFTs through modifying their aspects by adding or removing Wearables (accessories). This makes NFTs increasingly attractive to collectors, thus increasing their value on the secondary market. Customisation of NFTs represents a new frontier for this market and offers new opportunities for fashion and luxury brands to expand their brand with digital wearable accessories. Dead Ape Club offers an exclusive and privileged experience for members of its Alpha Group. This gives them an advantage over other users and makes them an integral part of the project, involved in the development and growth of the metaverse. They will be able to participate in exclusive events, receive advance notifications and have priority access to partner project mints at an advantageous price.