Egg Token by Eggthusiasts
A laid back NFT community with high utility and long-term benefits. Holder perks: Access to weekly whitelist spot raffles for other amazing NFT projects. Access to holder-only channels, exclusive giveaways, the ability to post links and other Discord server benefits. All YouTube videos published by the Eggthusiasts will credit you, your project or company. Everyone who mints 10 or more Egg Tokens will receive one free Egg Token Air NFT. This will give you the Airdrop Holder role, access to exclusive giveaways, and earn you a spot above regular holders in YouTube credits. Owners of 20 or more Egg Tokens will have free access to the NFT Tips Discord Book - a Discord server containing hundreds of useful tips and tricks for creating your own NFT collection. One additional giveaway entry for every 10 Egg Tokens you own, up to 6 entries with 50 Egg Tokens. 1-9 = 1 entry. 10-19 = 2 entries. 20-29 = 3 entries. 30-39 = 4 entries. 40-49 = 5 entries. 50+ = 6 entries. Ether is just a number, Egg is eternal.
Rarity and Statistics