img Ethereum


Launched May, 10Launched
Price 0.07 ETH
Total supply 8888

"The project is called OctoRaiders, it is a long-term project that as initial goal has to create a video game exclusive to buyers. Initially there will be a collection in 2D (already finished) at the cost in WL of 0.07 ETH (max 3 nft per wallet) and 0.1 ETH in public rooms. 10% of the earnings will be invested in the community; owners of at least 3 OctoRaiders can show us their project, the best will be chosen and financed completely by us. At the sold out will be presented the 3D collection of OctoRaiders in which buyers will be entitled to a cost half of mint compared to public halls. After the 3D collection will develop the exclusive video game for owners in which the first chapter of the trilogy will be narrated."