Swanky Harpy Kingdom
"Unlock Love, Explore Comics, and Wear Swanky! Your Gateway to the NFT Dating Universe." """Swanky Harpy - Dedication towards passionate community of love - Swank yourself!""" 7,777 unique NFTs created programmatically through a combination of randomness and style on the Solana blockchain, all between 5 to 8 Sol! 💠The primary goal of our company is to bring perception of love in the society through our revolutionary community driven Decentralized Dating Dapp.🏙 💠Spreading Love through our world class comic book series, and we believe that "The agape Love story of Raven" shall change people's perspective of love. 💠We're thrilled to offer our investors the opportunity to earn additional income through our Merchandize program. As a buyer of our NFT, you can create your own unique designs.